Parenting IS Hard

Remember This ❤️

You want to know something? Parenting IS hard. Raising a human being IS hard.

We are often times so busy with our lives, schedules, and to-do lists that we forget to be in the moment and actually remember what this parenting thing is all about. One minute, you can feel like you’re the parent of the year, and the next, you’re wondering if it’s bedtime yet.

In light of recent events, the world can seem like a very difficult place, and when we are trying to parent the best we can and then these things happen, it can feel extra hard.

Although we all have those tough days, it’s important to take a step back and think about your why. One thing that I found to be so helpful that also helps to fill my cup with gratitude is to just look at my children – their eyes, their hands, their nose. I just look at them. And on those really hard days, I remember to just take extra time to look at them.

Just observing them brings me back to the moment, the child in front of me, and it brings me gratitude. It doesn’t mean everything is perfect, but gratitude can help you shift your perspective and focus on the positive in your life as you navigate the really hard moments.

Gratitude to be able to have an opportunity to raise a child who is kind, compassionate, and has self-love.

Gratitude to get to love so deeply, although I know some days are really hard.

Gratitude to bring forth from my childhood what worked and undo the things that didn’t serve me.

Gratitude for realizing that I, as an adult, can always change for the better with the things I experience and learn as a parent.

It’s about being conscious about ourselves and understanding that we, as adults, must also change.

Children are our mirrors.

Remember, they are always teaching us something about ourselves. They reflect back to us who we are.

Looking at yourself and parenting as an ever-evolving role can bring a sense of gratitude and perspective that can help elevate the good times and help you work through the difficult ones.

So, as you approach parenting, let your child be your mirror. Let them show you what they need and what you may need in return.

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— Dr. Mona

On The Podcast

The “Finding Joy” episodes on this podcast tackle more than parenting topics. They also discuss real-life mindfulness topics to become the best version of ourselves so we can better show up for ourselves and the people in our lives. In this episode, I discuss connection.

  • What exactly is connection?

  • Why is connection with self so important?

  • How to incorporate meaningful connections in our busy lives.

  • How to know if you’re feeling disconnected with yourself.

On YouTube

In this video, I cover causes of respiratory distress in kids, signs to watch for, how to count respiratory rates, and what actions to take.

Ask Dr. Mona

An opportunity for YOU to ask Dr. Mona your parenting questions!

Dr. Mona will answer these questions in a future Sunday Morning Q&A email. Chances are if you have a parenting concern or question, another parent can relate. So let's figure this out together!


or to participate.